Light Gauge steel is the perfect material for Tiny Homes for a number of reasons with the obvious one being weight. Steel framing is straight, strong and built to precise measurements but due to its weight it is easily handled, transported and erected.
For a period of time Silver Frames were constructing Tiny Homes on trailers, however in recent times we have stepped back from building right through to the finished product. Our focus now with Tiny Homes is to provide the LGS Framing to the owner for them to either employ a builder to complete the project or alternatively to construct it themselves.
The first step in the process is to submit your detailed plans to us for pricing and we will provide you with a quote within a couple of days.
Once we receive confirmation you wish to proceed we can usually produce the frames in a relatively short period of time and you can be underway with your build with very little delay.
Please note;
It is important for you to contact your local council, to find out if any consents are required for your project. Councils do vary from one to another requirement wise, so it is important that you get clarification on this before you begin your project.